Q: Who gets notified when I edit a knowledge base article?
What happens when I edit a KB article?
What happens when I edit something in the Knowledge Base?
Who gets told when a KB article is updated or created?
The Knowledge Base Team receives a daily list of changes to the knowledge base, including a list of edited articles. The Team reviews these changes to ensure that they comply with our Knowledge Base Best Practices, and may make minor updates to the accessibility and layout of the pages, as well as correcting any obvious typos.
Sometimes, a contributor to the knowledge base may choose to place a "watch" on an article. In this case, the contributor (as well as anyone else who has placed a watch on that page) will also get notified of changes to the article either immediately or in a daily digest per their preferences.
When editing an article, you may select the "Minor change?" checkbox, and no notifications will be sent to page watchers. We recommend you use this feature only when correcting a typo or making other extremely minor changes that do not affect the content of the article.