Content with label c-security in IS&T Contributions (See content from all spaces)
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certificate, password, c-duo, wireless, server, china, russia, c-cyber-security, merch-review, security, apt-get, international, https, secure, software, infoprotect, kdc, auditing, recursion,
risk, high, log, network, pci-dss, two-factor, firewall, duo, rdp, open, ufw, rules, ubuntu, kerberos, automatic, vpn, 2-factor, spam, error, updates, javascript, linux, trustwave, site, travel, browser, phishing, c-qualtrics, authentication, kinit, ca, dns
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Annual Security Awareness Training and Phishing Simulations
Annual Security Awareness Training and Phishing Simulations FAQ In 2024, IS&T launched a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness training program for all EVPT employees. This program is an essential tool in today’s increasingly complex threat landscape. The program will consist of an ...
DLC phishing and security awareness training
Q: How do I conduct phishing simulations and security awareness training for my DLCI? Answer MIT licenses the KnowBe4 platform for simulated phishing campaigns that are highly customizable. It also provides short security awareness training ...
Encryption Landing Page
page: Overview Encryption is the conversion of data into a form called ciphertext, that cannot be read by unauthorized people. There are different forms of encryption for files, including whole disk encryption and perfile encryption. Both can be used to help protect your data from ...
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Frequently Asked Questions about Scanning of Publicly-facing Folders on IS&T-supported File Storage Systems
Frequently Asked Questions about Scanning of Publiclyfacing Folders on IS&Tsupported File Storage Systems Why is this important? Keeping sensitive data safe from inappropriate access and accidental disclosure is of utmost importance to MIT and our community. Inadvertent disclosure of regulated ...
How do I login to MIT services that leverage Duo two-factor authentication?
Q: Touchstone and Duo updates March 22 Touchstone and Duo authentication has been updated with some visual changes and an improved twofactor authentication experience as Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) implemented updates to the Institute's single signon web ...
Other labels:
duo, vpn, two-factor, authentication, 2-factor, rdp, kinit, c-duo
How to check site certificates
How To Check For Valid Security Certificates On occasion, a user will be asked to make sure they have valid site certificates. Most typically, they will be asked to make sure they have uptodate SHA2 certificates. Here is a quick guide to show how the client can ...
Other labels:
security, certificate, browser, site, https, javascript, error
Kerberos password synchronization with Active Directory
Why it's important Over the last few years, more and more thirdparty applications and services commonly used on MIT campus integrate with MIT's glossary:Active Directory (AD) service for authentication, rather than talking directly to our glossary:Kerberos ...
Other labels:
ca, certificate, server, kdc, password, secure, wireless, network
MIT Alert emergency notifications
Answer Students, staff, and extended community members can sign up for emergency notifications, or update their preferences, at: Note: the blue "sign up" buttons can be used both to register and to update your preferences
My Trustwave scans are failing, what do I do?
Q: I received an email with the subject: "Action Required TrustKeeper PCI Manager Scan Completed." In the body of the email it says "SCAN STATUS: FAILING" My Trustwave scans always came back fine before, what's wrong? Context ...
Other labels:
pci-dss, security, trustwave, merch-review
Qualtrics rules of use, best practices, and limitations
Accurately reflect your affiliation when sending surveys. When sending surveys, make sure that your affiliation is clear. Individuals or groups should not claim to officially represent the Institute itself in an official capacity. Inappropriate: “This survey is being sent ...
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