Supplemental Payment Initiate Page 1
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Supplemental Payment for <Name>, <MIT ID Number>
Employee name and MIT ID number.
Employee Information
Review appointment(s) held by the employee. The Position Number, Position Title, Effort, Appointment End Date, Department Name, and Department Number details.
Go Back link
Click to return to the "Search For a Person" page.
Supplemental Payment Options
1. Choose a payment type - Required
- One Time Payment - Choose to make a one time payment
- Ongoing Payment - Choose to make multiple ongoing payments
2. Complete the payment fields (One Time Payment) - Required
- Effective Date - Using the date calendar provided, enter the effective date/payment date. If the supplement is being paid for work over a period of time, use a date when the work was completed.
- Payment Amount - Enter the supplemental pay amount.
3. Enter supplemental date range (Ongoing Payment) - Required
- From - Using the date calendar provided, enter the date to start paying the supplement. This is generally the first of a month (i.e. - 07/01/2009).
- To - Using the date calendar provided, enter the date the supplement will stop being paid. This is generally the end of a month (i.e. - 06/30/2010).
4. Enter payment amount (Ongoing Payment) - Required
- Amount - Enter the monthly or total amount of the payment.
- Choose Monthly or Total - Enter the supplemental pay amount.
5. Set distribution (distribution must equal 100%) - Required
- Cost Object - Enter cost object number.
- Percent - Enter the percent of the pay during leave to be distributed to this cost object. Enter a number from 0.01 to 100 with 2 decimal places allowed. If multiple cost objects are entered, the total percent must equal 100.
- Cost Object Title - Display of the cost object description in SAP.
- Add another cost object - Click here to enter additional cost objects. The maximum number of cost objects that can be entered is 8.
Choose a reason for supplemental payment - Required
Enter org unit for supplemental payment - Required for certain supplement reasons
This value will default to the initiator's organizational unit. If necessary, change this to the organizational unit number that will be paying for the supplement.
Select position receiving supplement - Required for certain supplement reasons and when the employee has multiple appointments
Choose the appointment from the dropdown list that the supplement will be associated with.
Justification/Comments - Required for Other Academic Staff Supplement only
Describe the reason for the supplemental payment. Provide as much detail as possible, including whether it is work related and the details of the work.
Special Instructions
Enter instructions for the Service Center.
Click Continue to advance.
Message - LATE action - An adjustment in pay may result from this retroactive action.
A date prior to the last payroll run was entered, possibly resulting in an adjustment to pay. Click OK to continue and check to make sure the proper date was entered. If applicable, inform the employee that their next pay may be different.
Message - Cost object percent total must equal 100%. If one cost object was entered, the percent (%) must be 100. If more than one cost object was entered, the total of the percents (%) must equal 100. Change the percent(s) to equal 100 and the error message will not appear.
Message - Invalid cost center. This message appears under the cost object title if the cost object number entered does not exist. Change the cost object number to a valid number and the cost object title will appear in place of the message.