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Student Time Entry

This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
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On this page:

To Enter Time Sheet Information for the Current Pay Period

Enter your time sheet information for the current pay period following steps below. Please note that the system is generally not available for time sheet entry during mid-week due to payroll processing.

Step Field/Button Action
1 Position Start with the first day of your work week and select a Position that you worked from the drop-down menu.
2 Hours Enter the number of Hours associated with this Position using the drop-down menu. If you have a partial hour to report, choose the appropriate quarter hour increment from the second drop-down menu.
3 (Repeat) Repeat steps 1-2 for each day you worked for the pay period.
4 Save Click Save when you finish entering your time sheet information for the pay period. Your time sheet is saved and automatically submitted to your Approver for review and approval.

Important: Enter your Positions and Hours in the same order they occurred for each day.

To Enter Comments for Your Approver

Enter any pertinent comments for your Approver regarding your time sheet in the Comment section. For example, “I worked on Professor Doyle's project on Wednesday."

To Edit Your Time Sheet After Saving It

You can edit your time sheet after saving it, up until it is approved by your Approver.
Once your time sheet is approved, you can view a display-only copy of it, but you cannot make further edits. Further edits can only be made by your Approver with the consent of your supervisor.

Reporting Hours for a Previous Period

If the period you wish to report or change is in the past, the request needs to be submitted to by a Time Approver or Time Administrator for processing by the HR-Payroll Service Center.

Be sure to include the following information in your request.

MIT ID of student
Name of student
HR Org Unit submitting the request
Date to which hours apply
Position title
Total # of hours that should have been reported originally for each date
Brief explanation why the correct hours were not reported in a timely fashion


ID# 999999999, John Doe, Chemistry
08/11/2014 Undergrad Lab Technician 6 hours

Reporting hours for a week in which time has already been approved for one or more positions

  • If your time sheet has already been approved for a particular week for one or more positions, the Add line button will no longer be displayed and you will not be able to add or edit time for any positions.
  • At this point, your time sheet approver or administrator can update and resubmit time on your behalf.
  • Send an email to your time sheet approver, detailing the date and the number of hours worked. The time sheet approver will approve and submit the time.

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

September 27, 2022

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