Service Staff Time Entry
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On this page:
Use the Time Entry screen to enter your time sheet information and check your Leave balance quotas.
To Enter Your Time Sheet Information for the Current Pay Period
Enter your time sheet information for the current pay period following steps 1-6 below. Please note that the system is generally not available for time sheet entry during mid-week due to payroll processing.
Step | Field/Button | Action |
1 | Attendance/Absence Type | Start with the first day of your work week and select an Attendance/Absence Type from the drop-down menu that corresponds to the work or absence you had on that day. Note: If you enter hours but do not enter an Attendance/Absence Type, the system defaults to “Work”. |
2 | Shift | If your position is “shift eligible,” Shift will appear as a column on your time sheet. Enter the Shift these hours represent from the drop-down menu. The default is “day”. |
3 | Temp Code | (Optional) If you temporarily worked in a position other than your regular position, select the text from the Temp Code drop-down menu that describes the task or position associated with the hours you worked in the temporary position; otherwise, leave this field blank. |
4 | Hours | Enter the number of Hours associated with this Attendance/Absence Type. You can use the drop-down menu, or type the number of hours in this field. If you have a partial hour to report, choose the appropriate quarter hour increment from the second drop-down menu. |
5 | Repeat steps 1-4 for each day you worked or were absent for the pay period. | |
6 | Save | Click Save when you finish entering your time sheet information for the pay period. Your time sheet is saved and automatically submitted to your Approver for review and approval. |
To Add More Than One Entry for a Day
If you have more than one Attendance/Absence Type, Temp Code, or Shift for a day, click Add Line to the left of the appropriate day. A blank time entry row is added to that day. Enter information in this row by repeating steps 1-4 in the previous section. You can add an indefinite number of lines for each day, depending on how many combinations of Attendance/Absence Type, Temp Code, and Shift apply to that day.
Important: Enter your Hours in the same order they were worked for each day. For example, if you began the day by working 6 hours on your regular job, then left early due to sickness, your regular job would be your first entry for that day and the hours you were out sick would be the second entry.
To Enter Comments for Your Approver
Enter any pertinent comments for your Approver regarding your time sheet in the Comment section. For example, if you did not know an appropriate Temp Code, an entry in the comment section might be: I filled in for Rick Jones on Tuesday, but I don't know the Temp Code for his position.
To Edit Your Time Sheet After Saving It
You can edit your time sheet after saving it, up until it is approved by your Approver. Once it is approved, you can view a display-only copy of your time sheet, but you cannot make further edits to it. Further edits can be made only by your Approver with the consent of your supervisor.
Reporting Hours for Other Pay Periods
Service employees can report any hours up to six (6) months in the past and some leave hours four (4) weeks in the future by using the drop-down menu for Select a different week. Note: The default for this field is to display the current pay period.
In some cases, you may want to report future vacation, military, or personal leave hours for your Approver to process while you are out of the office. For example, if you are expecting to take vacation within the next four weeks, you can complete a time sheet with your vacation hours before you leave. After the time sheet is saved, it is automatically submitted to your Approver for processing during the appropriate week while you are out of the office.
This option is available for up to four weeks in the future and is restricted to 5th Week Vacation, Vacation, Leave Without Pay, and Military Leave.
To Report Hours for a Previous Pay Period
- Select the appropriate pay period from the Select a different week drop-down menu and click Go.
- Check that the dates at the top of the screen now match the week you selected.
- Follow steps 1-6 in the previous section, * To Enter Time Sheet Information for the Current Pay Period. *
Note: If you forget to click Go after selecting a different week*, *you will be entering time in the original period.
If the period you wish to report or change is more than 6 months in the past, the request needs to be submitted to by a Time Approver or Time Administrator for processing by the HR-Payroll Service Center.
Be sure to include the following information in your request.
MIT ID of employee
Name of employee
HR Org Unit submitting the request
Date to which hours apply
Type of hours (work, vacation, sick, etc)
Total # of hours that should have been reported originally for each date
Evening or Night shift indicator for any hours to which it applies
Temp rate indicator for any hours to which it applies
Brief explanation why the correct hours were not reported timely
ID# 999999999, John Doe, Chemistry
08/11/2014 6 hours Night Shift Acting Foreman
To Report Hours for a Future Pay Period
- Select the appropriate pay period from the Select a different week drop-down menu and click Go
- Check that the dates at the top of the screen now match the week you selected
- Follow steps 1-6 in the previous section, * To Enter Time Sheet Information for the Current Pay Period . *
Note: If you forget to click _Go _after selecting a different week*, *you will be entering time in the original period.
Date and Leave Balance Quotas
Each payroll run automatically updates the hours in your Sick Leave, Personal Leave, Vacation Balance, and 5th Week Balance. These balances are display-only fields and calculated based on your Anniversary Date, Last Updated Date, and any hours you reported for these categories in your last pay period:
Field | Description |
Accrual Rate Date | The date on which you began accruing Vacation, Sick and Personal Leave hours. |
Last Updated Date | The date of the last payroll run in which your Leave balances were updated. |
Sick | The balance of your Sick Leave hours. This equals the hours you have accrued for Sick Leave, minus any hours you reported for Sick Leave through the last payroll run. |
Personal | The balance of your Personal Leave hours. This equals the hours you have accrued for Personal Leave, minus any hours you reported for Personal Leave through the last payroll run. |
Vacation | The balance of your Vacation hours. This equals the hours you have accrued for Vacation, minus any hours you reported for Vacation Leave through the last payroll run. |
5th Week | The balance of your 5th Week vacation hours. This equals the vacation hours you have accrued for 5th Week Balance, minus any hours you reported for 5th Week vacation through the last payroll run. |
5th Week Deadline | If you are entitled to 5th Week vacation, this is the date by which you must use your 5th Week balance, or lose those days. |