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My Training Needs

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The My Training Needs tab of the Learning Center, is a personalized display of both your required and recommended course. To review why the course is required or recommended for you, hover over the course code under the "Code/Reason" column. Here are some of the reasons you might have training listed for you:

  • Activity selection: Based on an activity selection you self selected in your EHS Training Activities in the My Profile Tab.
  • Training Group affiliation: Either a self selected training group affiliation from within the Find Training Groups in the My Profile Tab or a  local training administrator felt you belonged in a particular group based on your job or activities in a lab.
  • Organization: Because you work for an MIT organization/DLC that has training required or recommended for everyone.
  • DLC: Because you self affiliated with a PI in a DLC that has required or recommended training for everyone.
  • Academic Subject: Because you registered for an MIT course that has required or recommended training for everyone.
  • Position or Job: Because training has been identified for your job or position.
  • All MIT: Because a course has been identified a everyone at MIT.

You can filter this list by status (all courses, completed courses, or not yet completed) and by priority level (all courses, required, or recommended). The course name, course code, and completion status will display.  Here are types of statuses you might see in the Learning Center:

  • Past Due : Some course are required to be re-taken, based on regulatory requirements, and will expire. Once a course has passed its expiration date, it becomes Past Due and will move to the top of your list of courses. 
  • Due For courses that expire, 30 days before expiration, the course will be listed as Due, display the expiration date and be listed after your Incomplete courses.
  • Incomplete : Courses that have been required or recommended, but not completed will be listed at the top of your list.
  • Complete : Courses that have been required or recommended and completed will be listed after Past Due, Incomplete and Due courses.
  • Waived : A training administrator might decide that you have satisfied a training requirement or recommendation based on experience or other training and can email to request a course be waived.

At the top of your personalized "My Training Needs" the percentages of your completed required and recommended training needs display.

Learning Center: My Training Needs

How Do I Complete My Training?

Click on a course name to display more information including:

  • Reference Code, Priority, and Status
  • Reason for Requirement
  • Assignment Fulfillment Options

Please note the reference code and course code may not match for each training need and assignment fulfillment options.

For More Information

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

March 11, 2016

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