Leave of Absence Initiate Page 2 1
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Leave of Absence for <Name>, <MIT ID Number>
Employee name and MIT ID number.
Leave of absence details
Review leave of absence details entered previously.
Go Back link
Click to return if information entered needs to be changed.
Enter dates (required)
- Begin Leave Date - Enter the date on which the leave starts.
Note: For a sabbatical, choose one of the options representing the beginning of a semester. - Expected Return Date - Enter the date the employee is expected to return to work
- OR End Leave Date - This label will appear in place of Expected Return Date for Faculty or Furlough leaves. Enter the agreed upon return date in these situations.
- OR Leave Duration for a sabbatical, indicate whether the leave is for one semester or two semesters (the full academic year).
Note: Enter work dates for employees on MAP (Modified Annual Plan) appointments. The corresponding pay dates will display automatically next to the work dates.
Example: A Faculty member is taking a full year personal leave. Enter the start of the work/academic year (9/1/YYYY) for the Begin Leave Date and the end of the work/academic year (5/31/YYYY) for the Return Leave Date. Pay dates 7/1/YYYY and 6/30/YYYY will appear.
Pay dates (employees on MAP appointments)
The corresponding pay dates related to the work dates entered will display. Review to ensure that the proper dates are entered.
Enter Percent Effort (sabbatical leaves only)
Choose 50% to half pay while on leave or 100% for full pay while on leave.
Enter cost object(s) (will display for leaves with pay only)
Cost Object: Enter cost object number.
Percent: Enter the percent of the pay during leave to be distributed to this cost object. Enter a number from 0.01 to 100 with 2 decimal places allowed. If multiple cost objects are entered, the total percent must equal 100.
Cost Object Title: Display of the cost object description in SAP.
Add another cost object: Click here to enter additional cost objects. The maximum number of cost objects that can be entered is 8.
Note: For a sabbatical of two semesters at 100 percent pay, the sabbatical cost object and 50 percent will display and cannot be changed. Enter cost object(s) and percentage(s) to pay for the remaining 50 percent.
Enter reason for leave (required)
Enter the reason for leave.
Enter special instructions for the Service Center (required for employees with multiple appointments, optional for all other)
Enter instructions for the Service Center.
Click Continue to got to the next page.
Message - This employee has multiple appointments. Please provide details in the special instructions area. If you continue with this action, the Service Center will contact you to determine the proper action(s). The employee has multiple paid appointments. You may or may not have authority for both appointments. Indicate in the Special Instructions whether the employee is going on leave from MIT or from a single appointment.
Message - Invalid work date(s).
Invalid work dates have been entered for an employee on a MAP appointment. Refer to the definitions of work and pay dates and the example above.