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Glossary of Terms

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This page includes definitions of various terms and fields used within the Student Hourly Appointment applications.

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UROP Appointment

An hourly-paid appointment for an undergraduate student to work on a research project that has been approved by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Office.

Non-UROP Appointment

An hourly-paid student appointment unrelated to an undergraduate research opportunity. Hourly-paid non-UROP appointments can be created for graduate students or undergraduate students

Position Title

The position title of the appointment is used to distinguish positions during time sheet entry. A unique position title must be assigned to each student position.

When creating a new appointment, the position title must be different than the job title, and different from the position title of any other hourly position held by the student.

Position Description

Position Description is an explanation of the work to be done by the student, and should be more detailed than either the job title or position title. It is important to provide sufficient information to describe the key focus of the work being performed by the student as this information is audited for Federal Work Study purposes. You can use the job or position title as a starting point and then add clarifying details.

Other Supervisor

Other Supervisor is an optional field that can be used to identify an additional person who will be supervising the student, for example in an off-campus position. The Other Supervisor field is a free-form text field that can include supervisor name, email, phone, etc.

Rate of Pay

  • For UROP appointments, rate of pay cannot be less than $9.75
  • For non-UROP appointments, rate of pay cannot be less than $9.50
  • The maximum rate of pay for all hourly appointments is $25.00

Planned Hours per Week

Planned Hours per Week refers to the number of hours per week the student is expected to work. There are restrictions on the number of hours students are allowed to work at different times in the academic year:

  • International students (both grad & undergrad) can work a maximum of 20 hours per week during the fall & spring terms.
  • US undergraduate students are allowed to work 20 hours a week, or more at a supervisor's discretion, during fall & spring terms.
  • US graduate students are allowed to work up to 30 hours a week. Planned hours over 30 requires ODGE approval.
  • All students may work 40 or more hours during IAP and summer.

Note that these restrictions apply to all positions combined the student may hold at a given time.

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

December 17, 2013

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