Clone a Journal Voucher
This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
You can access Atlas at
You can access Atlas at
When you clone a journal voucher, you duplicate information on an existing journal voucher so that you can create a new jv without having to enter all the fields. You have the option to keep or change all of the existing field values except JV Type (Header Text) and Company Code. You can also add or delete line items. After you submit, the new journal voucher is assigned a document number.
When Can I Clone a JV?
- The Clone JV application is now embedded in the Journal Voucher application.
- You will find the clone icon available when you can clone a JV; when you display an approved JV, the clone icon is at the top right of the screen.
- You cannot clone a Cost Transfer JV.
- Cloning a journal voucher opens a new JV with the same JV Type and Company Code. The Posting Date defaults to today. You can enter an Original Transaction Date. Line item text and details are copied over and available for edits.
- Additional required fields are not carried over to when you create a clone if the fields are not applicable. For example, the explanation for a JV after 90 days.
How do I Clone a JV?
- Selecting the clone icon will open the Create JV (Step 2 of 3) screen with a new journal voucher draft available for edits.
For More Information
- For more information on creating a JV, see Create a Journal Voucher