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Changing Appointments

This documentation refers to the Atlas Online Gateway.
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Changing an Appointment

  1. In Atlas, select the Student Appointments group.
  2. Select Change Appointment.
  3. On the Select Appointment page (below), enter or search for the Student's MIT ID. If you have authorizations in more than one department, select the desired department. Otherwise, the Department will default. Below the department, answer the two questions about what information you need to change on this appointment.
    Change appointment selection screen
  4. Click Search. The student's name will appear below the Search button, with his/her identifying information. Below that will be a list of the student's current appointment(s). Select the appointment you need to change by clicking on its title.
  5. If you indicated on the first page that you are not changing start or end dates, skip to istcontrib:step 5.
    On the Dates page, enter the new dates as needed. If you indicated on the first page that you are changing dates and making other changes, click Continue to go to step 5.
    Change dates page
    If you indicated on the first page that you are changing dates only, enter any comments if desired, click Continue and skip to #6.
  6. On the Details page, enter any new appointment values (hours, rate of pay) as needed, and comments if desired. Click Continue.
  7. If you have entered any information that generates a warning or error, you will see it now. Conditions that require an approval (from SFS or ODGE) will be indicated here as well. Depending on the message, you may wish to go back to the form to adjust what you have entered. Click Continue or Go Back to Form as needed.
  8. Once any errors or warnings are cleared, you will be brought to the Review page, where you can check over all of the information one final time before submitting the transaction. Any values you changed will be shown in the New Values column (see below). Information staying the same will not show a new value. If you need to go back to correct any field, use the Go Back link in the upper left corner. Otherwise, click Submit.

    Review page showing new values

  9. The Confirmation page will display your transaction number. You will receive an email confirmation when the transaction has been successfully processed in SAP. You will also receive an email if errors were encountered while processing the appointment.

Cancelling an Appointment

  1. In Atlas, select the Student Appointments group.
  2. Select Cancel Appointment.
  3. On the Select Appointment page, enter or search for the Student's MIT ID. If you have authorizations in more than one department, select the desired department. Otherwise, the Department will default.
  4. Click Search. The student's name will appear below the Search button, with his/her identifying information. Below that will be a list of the student's current appointments that can be cancelled.
    Note: Appointments with approved time cannot be cancelled and therefore will not be displayed. Select the appointment you wish to cancel by clicking on its title.

    Cancel appointment selection screen

  5. You will be brought to the Details page, which will show you the details of the appointment that you are about to cancel. Enter a comment if desired. Click Continue.
  6. You will be brought to the Review page, where you can check over all of the information one final time before submitting the transaction. There will be a "New Values" column, which will contain a new End Date for the appointment. If you wish to go back to add comments, use the Go Back link in the upper left corner. Otherwise, click Submit.
  7. The Confirmation page will display your transaction number. You will also receive an email confirmation when the transaction has been successfully processed in SAP.

Reference Guide

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Last Modified:

May 05, 2016

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