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Approving Transactions

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Transactions Requiring Approval

When appointments are created or modified, certain details will trigger an automatic approval process. The preparer (initiator) will see a message indicating that the transaction will be routed for approval, to either Student Financial Services (SFS) or the Office of the Dean for Graduate Education (ODGE), depending on the situation.

Note: If you are an approver in one of those areas, and also the initiator of a transaction requiring approval in your own area, you will not see the message about the routing.

Scenario Type of approval required
Rate of Pay greater than $25 SFS
US Graduate student, planned hours greater than 30 ODGE
International Student, planned hours greater than 20 and start date in the past SFS (undergraduate) / ODGE (graduate)

Approving a Transaction

  1. In Atlas, select the Student Appointments group.
  2. Select Student Hourly Appt. Inbox
    Click the link in the email notification of the transaction.
  3. Depending on your authorization, you will be taken to either the ODGE Approver Inbox or the SFS Approver Inbox.

ODGE Approver Inbox

ODGE Approver Inbox

  1. Click on a transaction number to view the details of the appointment
  2. On the transaction details page, you may edit:
    • Planned Hours per Week
    • Comments (optional, unless rejecting)
    • End Date *see note
  3. Select Approve or Reject. A confirmation message appears confirming the action.

SFS Approver Inbox

SFS Approver Inbox

  1. Click on a transaction number
  2. On the transaction details page, you may edit:
    • Job Title (Non-UROP only)
    • Position Title
    • Position Description
    • Rate of Pay
    • Comments (optional, unless rejecting)
    • End Date *see note
  3. Select Approve or Reject. A confirmation message appears confirming the action.

*NOTE: End Date field will only be editable on retroactive appointments for international students, where the student has already worked and the appointment must be approved for payment but terminated.

Reference Guide

Reference guides and documentation sets

Last Modified:

May 05, 2016

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