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SecureCRT and SecureFX - Installation Instructions

Installing with the License Data

  1. Download the current version of SecureCRT or SecureFX from the software download page.
  2. Double click on the exe file and run the program.
  3. Select Enter License Data from the SecureCRT or SecureFX Help menu. 
    • This initiates the process of entering your license data.
  4. Enter your license data exactly as it appears in the 'Instructions and License Information' file on the download page.

Installing with the integrated installer

  1. After downloading the installer from the IS&T SecureCRT and SecureFX for Windows page, locate and double-click the installer icon to start the installation.
    Result: The Installation Wizard displays its Welcome screen.
    Welcome screen

  2. Click Next.
    Result: The License Agreement displays.
    License agreement screen

  3. Select the I accept the terms in the license agreement radio button and then click Next to accept the License Agreement.
    Result: The User Information Setup screen asks if you'd like to install this application for just your account or all users of your computer.
    Select Profile options screen

  4. Select the button next to the option you prefer. The account you're currently using must have administrator rights to install for all users of your computer. Click Next to continue.
    Result: You are prompted to choose a setup type.
    Setup type screen

  5. Make sure the Complete radio button is selected and click Next to continue.
    Result: The installer displays the Select Application Icon Options screen.
    Select Application Icon Options screen

  6. Make sure the Create a program group for each installed client box is checked and then click Next to continue.
    Result: The installers display the Ready to Install screen.
    Ready to install screen
  7. Click Install.
    Result: The Installing SecureCRT and SecureFX window shows installation progress.
    Progress bar

  8. The InstallShield Wizard is now complete.
    Successful installation message

  9. Click Finish to exit the installer.

For details on using SecureCRT, see SecureCRT for Windows: Quick Start Guide

For details on using SecureFX, see SecureFX for Windows: Quick Start Guide

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 21, 2025

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