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Merge an existing ChatGPT account into the MIT Enterprise account

If you have an existing paid ChatGPT account using your MIT email, you can transfer your chat history and GPTs when accepting the invitation to join MIT's ChatGPT workspace. 


Please be aware of the following:

  • You'll only be prompted to merge accounts when logging in for the first time after accepting the MIT ChatGPT invitation if your existing account email username matches the enterprise (MIT) account.
  • You must manually export and import data if the account usernames don't match.
  • Plugins and customizations will not be migrated to MIT's instance and will be permanently deleted. 
  • Your paid membership will be canceled and you will be refunded a prorated amount corresponding to the paid time left on your account.
If you transfer your data to the MIT ChatGPT workspace and ever leave or are removed from it, you will lose access to all of your data.


Please follow these steps to transfer your chat history to your new account in the MIT ChatGPT workspace.

1. Request an MIT ChatGPT enterprise account

2. An invitation will arrive in your email, click "Join Workspace."

3. You will be prompted to login to your personal ChatGPT account.

4. Once logged in, a window will appear "ChatGPT. Tips for getting started." Click "Okay, let's go."

5. A new window will appear informing you that you've been added to a ChatGPT Enterprise workspace, mit-chatgptenterprise, and presenting you with the choice to either transfer your existing chat history and GPTs, or export and delete your existing chat history. Select the radio button for "Transfer existing chat history and GPTs" and click Continue.

6. You will be asked to confirm the transfer. Please note, the transfer of chat history is permanent and can't be undone. If you are ready to proceed, click "Confirm transfer."

7. The actual time required to complete the transfer is typically brief, often just a few minutes. However, the overall duration can vary based on factors such as the size of your chat history and system performance at the time of migration. It's advisable to plan for potential variations in transfer time. Once the transfer is complete, you can view your chat history and GPTs as normal in the side navigation window. 

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

March 18, 2025

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